Tuesday 17 April 2012


Title of activity

- Presentation Day at foyer TTL.


- To meet other assessors and present my project to make them understand about my project.
- To more understand about our project.


- Before presentation all student must register at dewan gemilang, registration start from 12 pm -
2 pm.
- Present my slide show to two assessors.
- Both of assessors will ask three question after I done my presentation and the question is based on my project.
- Start presentation on 2 pm - 5 pm.
- The presentation will carry 10% marks'
- I get more information and idea that related to this project base on comment from both of assessors give to me during presentation day.
- By doing the presentation, I make myself more confident to do presentation after this.


Title of activity

- Prepare for presentation day on week 12.


- To make other people understand about what have we done during that presentation by using slide show.


- Do and complete slide for project presentation on week 12.
- The presentation slide using laptop.
- Slide show will include information based on project proposal for Intelligent Fire Fighting System such as problem statement, literature review, objective, methodology, block diagram and ghannt chart.
- Slide show must easy and short to understand.
- I need explain to both assessors about my project when they read my slide show.
- I also need to answer a some few question from both of them.
- The whole slide show will conclude what is my project about and the slide will give the assessors more information about my project.


Title of activity

- 3rd briefing FYP at dewan gemilang.


- To discuss about presentation day on week 12.


- During the day we need bring our own laptop for presentation slide.
- Presentation FYP 1 will be on 12 April 2012 start 2 pm - 5 pm.
- For the presentation it will carry on 10% mark.
- Two assessors will access me during that day and ask me question base on my project.
- Do slide during the presentation day.
- In slide presentation must have;
1- Introduction.
2- Objective.
3- Literature Review.
4- Methodology.
5- Progress of project.
6- Conclusion.
- The briefing is very useful in order to help and guiding student through the finishing task given.


Title of activity

- Research on robotic arm.


- To gain knowledge about robotic arm.


- Do some research and reading to find information about robotic arm.
- A mechanical arm is robotic, usually programmable, with similar functions to a human arm. The links of such a manipulator are connected by joints allowing either rotational motion (such as in an articulated robot) or translational (linear) displacement..
- The links of the manipulator can be considered to form a kinematic chain. The business end of the kinematic chain of the manipulator is called the end effector and it is analogous to the human hand.
- The end effector can be designed to perform any desired task such as welding, gripping, spinning etc., depending on the application. For example robot arms in automotive assembly lines perform a variety of tasks such as welding and parts rotation and placement during assembly.
  • Cartesian robot / Gantry robot: Used for pick and place work, application of sealant, assembly operations, handling machine tools and arc welding. It's a robot whose arm has three prismatic joints, whose axes are coincident with a Cartesian coordinator.
  • Cylindrical robot: Used for assembly operations, handling at machine tools, spot welding, and handling at diecasting machines. It's a robot whose axes form a cylindrical coordinate system.
  • Spherical robot / Polar robot (such as the Unimate): Used for handling at machine tools, spot welding, diecasting, fettling machines, gas welding and arc welding. It's a robot whose axes form a polar coordinate system.
  • SCARA robot: Used for pick and place work, application of sealant, assembly operations and handling machine tools. It's a robot which has two parallel rotary joints to provide compliance in a plane.
  • Articulated robot: Used for assembly operations, diecasting, fettling machines, gas welding, arc welding and spray painting. It's a robot whose arm has at least three rotary joints.
  • Parallel robot: One use is a mobile platform handling cockpit flight simulators. It's a robot whose arms have concurrent prismatic or rotary joints.
  • Anthropomorphic robot: Shaped in a way that resembles a human hand, i.e with independent fingers and thumbs.

- Robotic arms are typically used in industry. Repetitive autonomous robots perform one task repeatedly based upon predetermined movements and specifically located objects. Start and stop commands are determined by position, acceleration, deceleration, distance, and direction. More complex actions are executed based upon sensor processing. If object orientation or position is unknown, arms are often paired with machine vision and artificial intelligence to identify the object and subsequently control the arm.


Title of activity

- Find objective for project proposal Intelligent Fire Fighting System.


- To find the statements of the purpose / aim of the project.


- A concise and clear outline of the aims that the researcher want to achieve through the project that is fire fighting system.
- The research study intends to plug the research gap and will demonstrate the intelligent fire fighting system.
- To build and design intelligent fire fighting system that can be access to anywhere in the building.
- To know and learn about robotic arm and temperature sensor. 
- To develop a new fire fighting so that our country or world can use it as a new source to fight the fire.


Title of activity

- Research on sensor


- To find the suitable sensor for Intelligent Fire Fighting System.


- Do some research in internet to find about temperature sensor.
- Study and understand the function of temperature sensor.
- Type K (chromel{90 percent nickel and 10 percent chromium}–alumel)(Alumel consisting of 95% nickel, 2% manganese, 2% aluminium and 1% silicon) is the most common general purpose thermocouple with a sensitivity of approximately 41 µV/°C, chromel positive relative to alumel. It is inexpensive, and a wide variety of probes are available in its −200 °C to +1350 °C / -328 °F to +2462 °F range. Type K was specified at a time when metallurgy was less advanced than it is today, and consequently characteristics may vary considerably between samples. One of the constituent metals, nickel, is magnetic; a characteristic of thermocouples made with magnetic material is that they undergo a deviation in output when the material reaches its Curie point; this occurs for type K thermocouples at around 350 °C .
-  Applications of Type K thermocouples are used for measurements in many different types of environments such as water, mild chemical solutions, gases and dry areas. Engines, oil heaters and boilers are examples of places where they may be found. They are used as thermometers in hospitals and the food industry.
-  The problems may be minimized by using them within the recommended temperatures and environments. Careful calibration, installing them with the proper connectors and wires, and using compensation circuits also serve as aids. K types constructed to reduce the errors include those that are well insulated, pre-aged or are annealed above their operating temperatures. Some users also take care to replace them often. Others switch to type N, which was specifically constructed to be an improvement over K.


Title of activity

- Continue progress report with do research on methodology parts.


- To description on the opproach meterials and produce used identification on the limitations range of validity and assumptions employed.


- This section contains an overall description of the research approach meterials and procedures.

- The diagram in figure above shows the process overall system that is capable of the Intelligent Fire Fighting System.
- The controller unit is based on micro controller. It controls all the blocks. The unit has a thermocouples to sense the different temperatures, which are fixed in circular path at equal 45 degree, in up and down positions.
- The thermocouple sensors are connected to signal conditioning unit. The sensor produces
low voltage signals (in terms of few milli-volts), which cannot be measured by ADC. Therefore
the weak signals are amplified to 0-5v level by signal conditioner unit. Maybe I'm using ‘K’ type
thermocouple, which has low non-linearity error.
- The output of the signal conditioner is fed to the analog to digital converter (ADC). The ADC has capable of measuring 8 channels and the resolution of 8 bits. The 8 channels are
used to measure the room temperature at different points. One 5-digit seven-segment display
is used to indicate channel No. & temperature.
- A stepper motors drives the robotic arm. One stepper motor is used to rotate the water gun in circular motion and the next one is for to move vertically.

Thursday 5 April 2012


Title of activity

- Do research and produce benefits and contribution on project proposal.


- To find information that connected to proposed project for benefits and contribution.


Firefighters' goals are to save life, property and the environment. A fire can rapidly spread and endanger many lives; however, with modern firefighting techniques, catastrophe is usually, but not always, avoided. To prevent fires from starting, a firefighter's duties include public education and conducting fire inspections.
Because firefighters are often the first responders to people in critical conditions, firefighters provide many other valuable services to the community they serve, such as:
  • Emergency medical services, as technicians or as licensed paramedics, staffing ambulances;
  • Hazardous materials mitigation (HAZMAT);
  • Vehicle Rescue/Extrication;
  • Search and rescue;
  • Community disaster support.
  • Fire Risk Assessments
Additionally, firefighters also provide service in specialized fields, such as:
A hose team training to fight an aircraft fire aboard a US aircraft carrier, 2006.
  • Aircraft/airport rescue;
  • Wildland fire suppression;
  • Shipboard and military fire and rescue;
  • Tactical paramedic support ("SWAT medics");
  • Tool hoisting;
  • High Angle Rope Rescue;
  • Swiftwater Rescue.
In the US, firefighters also serve the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as urban search and rescue (USAR) team members.


Title of activity

- Do research and produce introduction and problem statement on project proposal.


- To find information that connected to proposed project for introduction and problem statement.


- For introduction part is about background of study and project/research areas.
- For problem statement need to identification of the research problem.
- The introduction should be at a level that make it easy to understand for readers.
- For introduction, this proposal describes an effort to produce the fire fighting system that is suitable for all application.
- For problem statement, I find that  the issue is every time there is fire mostly firefighters did not have time to rescue victims in the building. so, this robot is intended to give assistance to remove the little wag in the building while waiting firefighters coming.


Title of activity

- Research on proposed project.
- Produce Ghantt Chart.


- To find information that connected to proposed project.
- To produce Ghantt Chart that indicates details on how the project will bw conducted.


- Search in the internet information that related to this project.
- Produce Ghantt Chart in microsorf excel.
- For Ghantt Chart is planning the miles tone and schedule the project discussion on posibble challenges.
- I find the several type of robot arm and their details and I need time to precisely choose the details to this project.
- I also find some proposal project that has been done by previous people.
- Ghantt Chart indicates stages of  proposed project and set deadline in completing each stage of the project.
- I need more time and find some information that related to this project. Before dive deeper, first must find more information about robot arm and how it works.
- By following the ghantt chart I can set the deadlines in completing task given.


Title of activity

- Meting for FYP student at Gemilang Hall on Thursday.


- To finalize our project title for FYP.
- To exposed to FYP student the procedure of FYP.


- We need to choose one of the project title listed and the title must be verified by our supervisor.
- Meting conduct by Sir Zulkhairi at Gemilang Hall and the meting is for exposing to FYP student about the procedure such as register student name at RPS and to create a blog.
- After doing research and having some discussion with my supervisor, I finally decide to select project title that is INTELLIGENT FIRE-FIGHTING SYSTEM.
- Te meting guiding us on how to enter the FYP website and click on important part. They also alert us about the proposal due date.
- Meting conducted are very useful in order to help and guiding student through the finishing task given. 


Title of activity

- Choose the title at RPS and find the supervisor that can help guiding us for FYP.
- Research on project title that suitable for FYP.


- To find the supervisor among lecturer at any section.
- To research on suitable project title for FYP.


- We are regaired to find supervisor that can guiding us from beginning ( FYP 1) until the project completely finished (FYP 2).
- From the short listed project title that been prepared by RPS, we need to choose several topic and doing research.
- Lecturer that be my supervisor is Sir. Syamsul Adlan Bin Mahrim from Department of Telecommunication.
- We stant doing research from the internet on some of the project listed taht is Intelligent Fire-Fighting System that use Robot Arm for the robot and heat sensor to detect fire.
- Research is still going on.