Thursday 15 November 2012

FYP 2 : WEEK 14

Title of activity

- Presentation final year project 2 at foyer TTL.


- To present the final year project after completion of project.


- All the final year project 2 student will present their projects to be evaluated.
- Two lecturers will evaluate the student project and one student will be evaluated with two lecturers.
- The presentation day is about to explain the ideas of project and how student understand about the project.

FYP 2 : WEEK 13

Title of activity

- Combine all the circuit and install with the robot arm to complete the project.


- To make intelligent fire fighting system project complete.


- This was a finalize job and combine all circuit and install with the robot arm and test it.
- Microcontroller circuit and sensor circuit will combine with main circuit.
- Make sure all the connection are correct to avoid installation errors.
- After the circuit combine complete, it will installed on robot arm. The circuit will connect to the robot arm motors, alarm/buzzer and motor pump.
- After all that job complete, the project will tested and the project can function normally.

FYP 2 : WEEK 12

Title of activity

- Test all motors, alarm/buzzer and motor pump by using 12 v power supply.


- To make sure that equipment function normally.


- Connect the 12 v motor left and right with 12 v power supply.
- Turn on the supply and the motor function and arm move left and right in 45 degrees.
- Then, connect the 12 v motor up and down with 12 v power supply.
- Turn on the supply and the motor function and arm move up and down in 45 degrees.
- Now robot arm operate as a plan.
- After that, connect the motor pump to 12 v power supply. The motor pump is put in the plastic box as a water tank and with full water in there.
- Turn on the supply and motor pump function and water through the water hose inside the PVC pipe.

FYP 2 : WEEK 11

Title of activity

- Construct the 18F252 flash microcontroller circuit.


- This circuit is use to control the main circuit.


- This circuit have one microcontroller and attach with crystal and ceramic transistor.
- This circuit use 5 v input power and one regulator transistor 12 v to 5 v is use to reduced the supply 12 v to 5 v for input power microcontroller.
- The regulator transistor is use because this circuit is take the power from power supply 12 v and we must to invert it to 5 v.
- Circuit has five input and five output. The input is port A and the output is port C.

FYP 2 : WEEK 10

Title of activity

- Construct the main circuit of Intelligent fire fighting system.


- This circuit is use to contact the robot arm motors, sensor, alarm and motor pump when microcontroller give the signal.


- This circuit have three relays 250v / 12v 5 amp and two relay 125v / 12 v 1 amp.
- Three relays is to contact two motor for robot arm and one motor pump.
- Another two relays is to contact alarm/buzzer and sensor circuit.
- One regulator transistor 12v to 9v is use to reduced the voltage to 9 v for sensor circuit input power.

FYP 2 : WEEK 9

Title of activity

- Construct the LDR sensor circuit


- This sensor circuit is use to get the sensor function.


- The sensor circuit is use one relay using to contact the circuit when flame is detect by sensor.
- One veriable resistor is use to adjust the sensitivity of sensor to the flame.
- This circuit is supply by 9 V power from main circuit.
- After construct, I test the circuit and it work.
- The minimum for sensitivity sensor is 5 cm from the flame and the maximum for sensitivity sensor detect is 3 meters.

FYP 2 : WEEK 8

Title of activity

- Build the Robot Arm for intelligent fire fighting system project


- This project are using robot arm to found fire and direct the water on the fire and extinguish it.


- For foot to hold the robot arm is using one stand automatic fan.
- One motor 12 v DC is put at the joint between stand and arm. This motor is function to move the robot arm left and right.
- The robot arm move 45 degrees left and 45 degrees right.

- For the arm is using PVC pipe 16 mm and it was attach with one hose water.
- For the arm movement up and down, one motor 12 v DC is put at the joint between pipe and stand fan.
- The robot arm is move 45 degrees up and 45 degrees down.